Provenance Management

Many low carbon fuels share generic molecular formulae regardless of the environmental attributes of their production methods. FCI works with certification, governance and registry systems so that low carbon fuel attributes can be carved out from off take agreements. This safeguards the premium value of attributes required for green premiums and abatement claims. Provenance management enables these certificates to be valued and traded, opening up supply chains whilst providing documents of source.

For Producers

Alongside registry partners we provide unbundling and provenance management solutions so that producers can effectively state the premium credentials of their production on a unitised basis. This facilitates price innovation and the development of sophisticated supply chains

For End Users

Provenance management certificates can be acquired alongside low carbon fuels to support down stream claims, trade mechanisms like CBAM and carbon markets registration processes.

Provenance Management

1. Project Documentation

Projects and their emissions profiles are first documented and then monitored so that green premiums can be assured when low-carbon fuels are shipped

2. Book and Claims

As products are passed through local or global supply chains, the accompanying certificates of attributes can be registered, transferred, and if appropriate, retired against a claim, border control of credit registration

3. Reduction Claims

Integral to emissions reduction claims for users of low carbon fuels in energy generation, industry, and transport are the factoring in Scope 2 & 3 emissions. Our Provenance Management provides the necessary assurance.

4. Retirement

Green premium certificates are a family of instruments which carry unitised documents of provenance and are retired once any emissions claim is registered.

Global Markets Development

  • Safeguarding Green Premiums: By unitising and unbundling Provenance Management, each tonne of fuel can have an appended certificate of provenance, appropriate to its production method

  • Price Innovation: Provenance Management enables delivered fuel costs and green premiums to attract discrete financing and terms to enable innovation and correlate premiums with marginal abatement benchmarks

  • Develops supply chains: With unitised provenance, blended and more resilient supply chains can emerge with out single points for failure and with multiple participants

  • Supports Regulatory Compliance: Provenance certification provides Scope 1,2&3 audit trails of emissions so that claimants receive records of environmental attributes with each shipment