Carbon Credits

Reduction credits enable users of low carbon fuels to register and monetise their consumption and subsequent reductions in emissions. Now carbon capture [and storage] credits are emerging to finance carbon removals.


First Carbon Investment assists global clean tech clients to develop and monetize carbon credits in global and local registries. We seek projects of high integrity with measurable outcomes. For clients seeking high quality off-setting solutions we deliver off-set solutions in analogous sectors with predictable budget lines.

For projects eligible for carbon crediting, FCI and our partners develop credit streams include providing project development documentation, applicable technologies, registration services and ongoing monitoring.

FCI accelerates projects with streaming finance for carbon credits. Streaming and royalty finance was developed in the mineral extraction industry to accelerate production by advance purchasing products. In our case we apply the model to clean tech carbon credits, boosting early cash flow and enabling viability.

Developing an off-setting strategy is often not a core competence of organisations with gaps between decarbonisation road maps and attainment. FCI provided managed solutions to develop strategies which relate to the organisations sectorial needs

Defining high integrity

As carbon markets have developed, scrutiny and standards have continued to come under the spotlight. In addition to high integrity standards defined by a number of industry bodies, FCI consider that carbon off-setting in clean technologies, provide the most robust prospects because the results are relatively simple to measure. For clients we seek out analogous sectors, where emissions and offsets are from similar industries. Finally we consider that carbon credit pricing should have correlation to the marginal abatement costs of emissions to be off-set.