Catalytic Financing

Our catalytic finance solutions bring forward viability of low carbon fuel projects by injecting advance, incremental revenue and enhancing price innovation. Our solutions are adapted from long standing streaming and royalties contracts from mineral production designed to make things move faster.

For Producers

Many low carbon fuel producers have to shoulder premium costs of low carbon production so that their clients can later make or monetize scope 2 and 3 claims. By forward financing Green Premium Certificates we can enable the premium attributes of products to be carved out and forward financed at source

For Users of Low Carbon Fuels

Off-takers and consumers of low carbon fuels wishing to register or monetize many forms of carbon certificates or credits can benefit from our solutions to advance purchase these instruments prior to their registration with further considerations given to any upside in valuation.

How It Works

1. Advance Purchase of Claims Rights

We purchase claims rights from low-carbon fuel producers and emissions reducers early in their development cycle. This upfront capital supports producers by securing a market for their outputs and incentivising further production and innovation.

2. Risk Mitigation

Through the use of financial instruments, we may assist with price risk associated with green premiums and carbon credits, making investments in clean technologies more attractive and financially viable.

3. Revenue and Cash Flow Boost

By providing advanced sales and innovating pricing architecture, we enhance the liquidity and cash flow for clean tech projects, ensuring they move swiftly from concept to commercialisation.

4. Market Development

We participate in and develop aggregated sales channels that maintain the provenance and integrity of each unit of low-carbon fuel, thereby supporting a robust market for green technologies.

Benefits of Catalytic Finance

  • Accelerates Market Entry: By reducing financial barriers, our catalytic investments accelerate the market entry of low-carbon technologies.

  • Enhances Project Viability: Our financial solutions enhance the economic viability of projects, encouraging more widespread adoption and implementation.

  • Stimulates Innovation: With reduced financial risk, producers and developers are encouraged to innovate and improve low-carbon technologies.

  • Supports Regulatory Compliance: Our provenance management ensures that all financial activities align with global regulatory requirements, aiding clients in meeting their compliance obligations.