Our Commitment to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Principles

At First Carbon Investments (FCI), we recognise the pivotal role that corporate responsibility plays in advancing global sustainability goals. Our commitment to ESG principles is integral to our operations, aligning with our core mission to accelerate the transition to low-carbon technologies in energy, transport, and heavy industries. This page outlines our dedication to sustainable practices and highlights our steps to promote a healthier planet.

Our Climate Crisis

In the climate crisis we believe that the majority of technical solutions required to address the root cause of emissions already exist. We therefore focus our time on deployment efficacy where we have measurable impact on transformational energy systems.

We believe markets are key instruments capable of mobilising finance and speeding deployment. They benefit from being able to price in abatement based on pre existing market driven costs of emissions. Bank of New York Mellon proposes that $100trn are required to achieve net zero by 2050. It is clear that markets must be leveraged to play their part in order to finance the transition.

We consider carbon credits to cover a broad range of instruments designed to price emissions abatement and their quality and provenance are perhaps best tested against the marginal abatement costs they carry claims for. We focus on credits in local and global markets that relate to at-scale energy transitions, where additionality and causality are clearly proven. These credits cover three areas ; product specific green premium certificates which align with low carbon attributes of premium producers; reduction credits where energy transitions have measurable impact on industry; and carbon capture where CO2e removal can be priced by the tonne. With this clear focus we can provide clients with the highest provenance credits available to support measurable CO2e reduction and removal claims.

Premium energy projects are capital intensive and require supportive environments and clients. By assuring the emissions provenance of projects and advancing catalytic finance into low carbon industries we accelerate transformations that will create a giga tonne impact. We are humble but ambitious realists and understand the scale of the global challenge is monumental.

Social Dynamics

FCI is committed to fostering social equity and community engagement, respecting different cultures and traditions.

We are realist that understand we can’t solve all of the world’s problems, but aim to help resolve the climate crisis whilst improving lives and livelihoods.

We seek projects not only contribute to environmental sustainability but also bring transformative impacts for economies and the people who live in them.

We enjoy diversity in job creation in new green industries, supporting workforce transitions through training and re-skilling, and engaging with communities to ensure that the benefits of clean technologies are widespread and inclusive.

Governance and Ethics

We uphold the highest standards of governance and ethical conduct and seek verification through a set of global partners

FCI is guided by a framework of rigorous compliance, transparency, and accountability. Our governance structures and processes are designed to ensure that all our activities meet legal, ethical, and regulatory standards.

We engage with stakeholders through clear, honest communication and robust reporting practices to ensure that we remain accountable for our impacts on both the environment and society.

We were founded to make a positive difference for the next generation who must bank on the planet’s sustainability and quality of life.