Oman Arab Bank and First Carbon Investments Sign MOU
Peter Ellen Peter Ellen

Oman Arab Bank and First Carbon Investments Sign MOU

Oman Arab Bank (OAB) and First Carbon Investments (FCI) announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to accelerate the deployment of new clean technologies in MENA. The MoU was signed by Sulaiman Al Harthi, CEO of OAB, and Peter Ellen, CEO of FCI, in advance of COP28 UAE.

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Scaling Hydrogen and the LNG Playbook
Peter Ellen Peter Ellen

Scaling Hydrogen and the LNG Playbook

At the end of 2023 the International Energy Agency updated its data on low emissions fuel supply. The conclusion was a red marker – we are not on track. Low emissions fuel covered only 1% of global final energy consumption in 2022 with much more rapid roll-out of production and distribution required to hit global commitments.

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Looking Ahead to COP28
James Varga James Varga

Looking Ahead to COP28

A Disruptive Shift or Protecting a Legacy. Back in the 1990’s I observed some hard lessons about executive intransigence through paradigm shifts. The UK music industry was one of the country’s biggest export sectors with revenues that exceeded its water industry.

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Navigating Political Flux
James Varga James Varga

Navigating Political Flux

With much of the popular media coverage of carbon markets focused on the critique of afforestation credits, it’s worth taking a moment to recognize that markets have iterated steadily, absorbing critique, and surfing through waves of political instability. They have proven effective at securitizing emissions reductions to smooth out the effects of short-term policy change.

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The Third Wave of Clean Tech
James Varga James Varga

The Third Wave of Clean Tech

The concept of human-caused climate change has been around for over a century, but it wasn't until the late 20th century that the scientific consensus on the issue emerged. In 1896, Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius published a groundbreaking paper that showed how the increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could trap heat and warm the planet.

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Harnessing Carbon Credits to Accelerate Green Hydrogen Development
James Varga James Varga

Harnessing Carbon Credits to Accelerate Green Hydrogen Development

As the world strives to transition to a sustainable and low-carbon future, the role of green hydrogen [and ammonia] is gaining significant attention. Green hydrogen, produced through electrolysis of water powered by renewable energy, has the potential to decarbonize sectors such as transportation, industry, and heating.

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Carbon By Numbers in 2022
James Varga James Varga

Carbon By Numbers in 2022

Since the Paris Climate Agreement at COP21, successive conferences have focused on implementation of commitments made to limit the rise in global temperatures. As 2030 and 2050 move another year closer, the widening of the gap between corporate commitments and actionable plans is fueling growth in Carbon Markets. So here are some key numbers from 2022 moving into 2023 which we find significant.

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