We’re accelerating the transition to low carbon fuels

If the world is to achieve a low carbon future, a new generation of clean technologies need to be deployed at speed and at scale. We enable the key players in this transition to move faster.


low-carbon fuel projects are underway


of projects have progressed past planning stages


of global emissions can be abated by these technologies

Global hydrogen and ammonia projects

A Low Carbon Future

The key to achieving a low carbon future is addressing the 80% of global emissions emanating from fossil fuel consumption. A new wave of low carbon fuels offer compelling replacements, with thousands of production projects in development across the globe. Many promise to adapt existing infrastructure and expertise, with new products that provide the energy intensity and portability that users demand. For the foreseeable future these products will attract premium costs which reflect their CO2e abatement.

At First Carbon Investments our mission is to accelerate the low carbon transition, bringing forward viability and scale, to help the world achieve the 2050 Paris Climate Agreement goals. We partner with producers, off-takers, investors and regulators to make things move faster.

What we do

Technology, expertise and catalytic finance

Provenance Management

Provenance Management enables documents of source and green premiums to be booked, supported, valued and exchanged. This ensures premiums products can be identified and securitized through global supply chains.

Market Services

Our Markets team provide intermediary solutions to support commercialisation, liquidity and price for green premium and carbon crediting instruments. We develop financial solutions for buyers and sellers to reduce friction, risk, improve liquidity and facilitate international trade.

Catalytic Finance Solutions

Our catalytic finance enables producers and buyers of low carbon fuels to monetize green premiums in advance, accelerating viability at key deployment phases. We support price innovation and development in supply chains.

We are dedicated to pioneering a sustainable future by accelerating the transition to low-carbon technologies. We work side by side with global partners who share our vision and ambition.

Trusted Partners

Enabling Projects

For project founders and consortia members, forward financing of green premiums offers a way to accelerate viability, cash flow and gross profit in planning and early phases of production. We engage projects at, and around PreFEED stages to add revenue projections and support project progress and viability.

Working with Investors

We recognise that at-scale clean tech requires the coalence of expert capital investors, off-takers and supportive governing authorities to move from concept to industrial scale production. We partner project investors, consortia members, energy ministries and banks to develop incremental catalytic financing.

Navigating Carbon Markets

Carbon credits cover a broad range of instruments from mandatory certificates, registries and verified carbon credits. We specialise in carbon credits for energy systems where we evidence high integrity standards. We help participants navigate the landscape, registries and instruments to develop net zero strategies.

Get in touch

At First Carbon Investments, we are dedicated to catalysing the transition to a sustainable, low-carbon future through innovative financing solutions. We welcome engagement from like-minded organisations and individuals who are committed to making a significant impact on global emissions reductions.

Whether you are seeking to explore partnership opportunities, require expert consulting on carbon credit accreditation, or wish to learn more about our finance options, our team is ready to assist you with detailed information and guidance.

We are here to provide the necessary support to ensure your ventures not only succeed but also contribute positively towards a greener planet.